
We are here to answer your questions

Note: Here at RawHyde Adventures we believe in actually having a conversation with people that are interested in our programs so please call us if you have the time. If you reach our voicemail; please leave a message and we WILL return your call promptly.

Please Note: Occasionally we have programs that require the service of our entire staff and take us far beyond cell range, and thus it may be a day or two before we can return your call, but rest assured we will do so as soon as possible.

Even though we'd really rather talk to you in person.. email is sometimes necessary so - email if you must but call us if you can, we'll be delighted to answer your questions. If you do not receive a response to your email within 2 business days; please call. If we are out of the office (as stated above) we will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you.

contact us

Contact us if you have any questions

Areas of Interest:

RawHyde California

PO box 244

Castaic, CA


Phone number: 661 993 9942


RawHyde Colorado

3894 Dog Soldier Trail

Hartsel, CO


Phone number: 702 209 8503


RawHyde Corporate office

RawHyde Adventures Inc.

664 Pacific Star Court

Las Vegas, Nevada


Phone number: 702 209 8503

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