Adventure Days Class list

Adventure Days Class List

Below are the expected classes & clinics being offered this year at ADV Days... subject to change!


Navigation – Proper use of a GPS, track editing, data entry for rescue and more (taught by Jim Hyde).

  • This class covers basic GPS tech with a focus on the four basic areas of use. Creating routes, navigating to a waypoint, using trackback, and managing the data in your computer.

Tire repair products & options – Plug it or patch it? What's right for you?

  • Many people have never repaired a tire and if you plan to spend any time at all in the back country you NEED to know how to repair a tire. This one hour class covers the basics of tire repair – plugging and patching – what is “safe” and what’s not after a repair.

What if - How to prepare for the unexpected, and spending the night in the boondocks (taught by Jim Hyde).

  • Sometimes something happens, your bike breaks down, you get an unrepairable flat tire, or for some other reason you have to spend the night unexpectedly. This one hour class will give you insight into what you need to be able to communicate, stay warm, and safe until help arrives.

Diagnostic troubleshooting of your motorcycle using your smart phone (taught by Ted Porter from GS-911).

  • As motorcycles become more sophisticated so do our options to diagnose and repair problems in the field. The GS-911 is an amazing device that pairs to your smart phone and allows you to troubleshoot and reset many “faults” in the field.

Back country communications 101, satellite internet, text and phone -

  • Advances in back country communication keep coming. Learn about portable internet hotspots that work anywhere in the world, Two way satellite driven text devices and phones with reasonable calling plans. Peace of mind and safety are tied to the ability to communicate, Learn about it in this one hour session.

The science of off road lighting (taught by Kurt Asplindh from Clearwater Lights).

  • Advancements in LED technology have benefited the Adventure Motorcyclist greatly. Less power drain, brighter illumination and more. Auxiliary lighting for back country travel is an absolute necessity. Learn all about it in this 1.5 hour talk.

First Aid for the adventure motorcyclist - First Aid, what to do... and when to call for help!

  • Basic first aid is important for anyone – learn what you need to know and pick up some tips from paramedics and wilderness first responders.

Tire changing – by hand (taught by Brian Bartel of RawHyde).
Whether you want to save a few bucks and change your own tires, or perhaps you’ve torn a sidewall and cannot repair the tire – this clinic is “hands on” and will give you the confidence to change your own tires, along with some tips on making it easy! (Taught by Brian Bartel of RawHyde)

Tools – What to bring and why? (Taught by Adventure Designs)

  • If you’re planning a trip to anyplace that AAA cannot retrieve you then you need some tools. What to carry and why? Plus special tools that have multiple purposes – tricks of the back country and more.

Packing for a trip
This clinic will include a sample packing list that gives you a complete list of what you “might” want to pack. then we’ll discuss the logic of packing your bike. Heavy stuff down low, frequently used items easily accessible etc. There are a lot of tips that make life on the road easier once you think it through. Let the experts Mosko Moto share their experience with you.

How Bluetooth communications really work (taught by Jay Joo from Sena).

  • Bike to bike communications have changed a lot in the last few years due to “Bluetooth” technology. Few people really understand how that works and Jay from Sena Technologies will take the mystery away for you. The Sena system allows up to 8 riders to connect together to share their ride, talk on the phone and listen to music… (all at the same time) Jay will also share some information on upcoming advancements in Bluetooth.

The “engineering" behind the motorcycle crash protection products (taught by Jeremy Breton from AltRider).

  • Let AltRider founder and owner Jeremy Lebreton share his knowledge of the science and design of world class crash protection for motorcycles. AltRider is one of the leaders in the field of Adventure Bike crash protection which should be the very first purchase for any adventure bike owner!

Riding position and how it affects you (Jeremy Lebreton from Altrider).
Riding “position” is a very important aspect of comfort and control when you’re riding an adventure bike “off road”. Learn the nuances of proper weight shifting, leaning and counter balancing.

Suspension setup – taking the mystery out of it all (taught by Ted Porter from Wilbers Suspension).

  • Suspension is always looked at as a black art… and most folks don’t know the difference between compression and rebound, but a proper set up of the suspension can make all the difference in your riding comfort. Spend an informative hour with Ted and learn about the importance of a properly adjusted shock absorbers.

Center of gravity considerations - (taught by Al Jesse from MirrorLok).

  • One of the reasons that adventure riders stand up on the pegs is because of “center of gravity” concerns – and your luggage and how you place your bags on your bike have a big impact on the center of gravity. Learn about the impact of C.O.G. on your riding in this informative 1 hour talk.

Riding in the desert - staying safe on our back yard (taught by RawHyde Coach Owen B).

  • More than half the planet is desert and hundreds of people die every year from a lack of preparedness – there are special considerations for spending time in the desert. Learn and prepare with the essentials of riding in the desert.

Motorcycle first aid (Taught by By David Diaz from Irv Seavers BMW).
Sometimes your bike needs first aid.. Let’s say you have a “crash” somewhere in the boonies… you’re OK, but your bike doesn’t look too good. It’s time for motorcycle first aid! How can you figure it out? This clinic will help you understand if your problems are big… or small. (one hour).

Insurance after the “incident” - (taught by Curtis Coulter and Brent Harsh of Coulter & Harsh).
What you need to know about insurance claims AFTER an incident.

Riding Clinics:

The Basics of Dirt riding (for noobies) – This two hour session is half lecture and half practical. The “on bike” portion of the class will focus on Standing while riding, plus basic turning and braking. (taught by RawHyde Coaches.)

Skidding on dirt (it’s not like on the pavement) – Street riders are taught that “skidding is bad” on pavement, plus today’s ABS systems have removed The potential of skidding from the average riders thought process. BUT skidding is very much a part of off road riding. This basic skidding class will allow the rider to “get a feel for the skid” in a safe and controlled manner. Its also a lot of fun to learn to skid a big bike! 1 hour (taught by RawHyde Coaches).

Basics of Sand. (everyone loves to hate sand) - YES?

Recreational rides and other fun things:

Daily rides leaving at 9:00 AM

Demo rides on new BMW GS model bikes – If you’re interested in a new Adventure Bike you have probably figured out that taking one for a demo ride in the dirt is probably not going to happen. Adventure Days allows you the unique opportunity to take a Demo Ride on a brand new BMW motorcycle both on the road… and in the dirt. Want to try multiple bikes… no problem. Hosted by your local BMW dealers.


Fireside entertainment nightly!

Magnolia Drawl (aka The Mary White Band) is back … playing for our sixth Adventure Days… during and after dinner on Saturday night.

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